We have always concentrated on the formation of our many young candidates. After completing three years of postulancy in our various daughter houses, those who persevere and whom we consider fit, come to Kappadu and enter Novitiate. After a year of Novitiate they make their first profession. That is followed by three years of Philosophy, along with which they also get a B.A degree from a University. Philosophy is taught in the monastery. By that time they are ready to make the final profession, after which they have a year of regency, which is a year of some practical training as well as of intense service in one or another of the daughter houses. Then they study Theology which is also taught in the monastery.
For teaching we depend mainly on visiting professors from various major seminaries in India. But we have also been trying to get our young monks trained to take up teaching here. It is with this in view that we sent several of them for higher studies to various Universities abroad. They have started coming back after completing their studies. We have already one who holds a doctorate in Philosophy (Fr. Reji Joseph Mundaplackal) and another having a doctorate in Liturgy (Fr. Reji Edavazhiockal). And there are several others who hold a licentiate from various faculties in India or abroad.