Abbot's Message
Immense gratitude is due to the two senior monks of Asirvanam, the late Fr. Bede Maniyankary and Fr. Anselm Maniyakupara, who threw in their lot with the new foundation and served it with all their heart, with all their soul and with all their strength.
From a canonical point of view, it was thanks to the late Abbot Ambroise Watelet OSB that the new foundation became a reality; he accompanied it with paternal care and affection during its earlier years. The same must be said also about Rt. Rev. Abbot Celestine Cullen, who succeeded Abbot Ambroise Watelet as the Abbot President of the Congregation. He adopted a very liberal and encouraging attitude towards Kappadu. He was always generous when it came to allowing Kappadu freedom in taking initiatives in view of further development and growth. The present Abbot President, Rt. Rev. Abbot Ansgar Schmidt, also continues such s very positive and encouraging attitude towards Kappadu.
Many thanks are also due to many friends and benefactors, whose generous contributions made it possible for Kappadu to make progress on the material front as well. Many monasteries in Europe contributed generously for buying the original property at Kappadu, for putting up the new buildings and for several developmental projects in our daughter houses as well. Much help came also from several funding agencies and foundations in Europe.